PinnedInvisible and ForgottenThe masks we inherit, the ones we subscribe to, the ones emplaced on us, and the ones we mindfully choose.Feb 10, 20211Feb 10, 20211
PinnedPseudo-Empathy, Pseudo-Pain, Unconditional Love, and Everything Still Screaming It Must Be Hate!In a world where neurological similarities afford the shared delusions, to arrogantly demand conformity, without it needing to be…Dec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
A tangent about the “Modal Thinking” paradox of Deep-Tasking thinkersQuora discussions around Roh Nos genius Not To Do list!Mar 9, 2020Mar 9, 2020
ArroganceI woke up to find myself long indulging in a puke-worthy numbness to systematically being excluded from donating “open-source” hours…Feb 13, 2020Feb 13, 2020